The CREEM team in action
Photo Gallery
The CREEM team in action
Photo Gallery

Vanessa Jones, Physics undergraduate, and graduate Kaushik Sarkar pair in PLD lab (Spring 2022)

Brooke Smith, a CREEM undergraduate student (Mechanical Engineering Senior) presenting a poster during 2023 NCAT undergraduate research and creativity symposium; Brooke won the third place prize among over 200 posters

NCAT CREEM undergraduates spending the full summer at Cornell in 2022

Brooke Smith, a CREEM student, presenting a poster at the Ohio State University during MRSEC-PREM Schools, October 13, 2022, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio

Tyffani Royal doing a pulsed laser deposition

NSF PREM program directors with NCAT-Cornell CREEM team during site visit at NCAT campus on Feb 21, 2023

Dr. Jin Suntivich, a Cornell MRSEC Professor, teaching part of Dr. Kumar’s materials science course at NCAT

Madison Jordan, a Physics Major junior working with Abiodun, a PREM PhD student in summer of 2023

Dr. Kebede working with Kaushi Sarkar, a PREM PhD student in the PLD lab

Dr. Craciun giving a hands on lecture on x-ray diffraction to PREM graduate students (Fall 2022)